March Against Organized Crime.  Wednesday, October 9th, 2024.

Assemble at the River, 12:00 PM

Williamson St and S Thornton Ave., Madison WI


March to the Capitol, 12:15 PM

Madison, WI


March Against Organized Crime

{Under construction}

Gaslighting Perpetrator Targeted Individual
About Solutions Notes

  The main purpose of this website is to act as moral support for victims of a 'gaslighting' attack.  It is hoped that after reviewing the material contained herein, they will recognize the attack against them for what it is.  Once recognized, they will join in the attempt to remove this tool from organized crime.  Secondly, to prove, as a point of fact, that organized crime is using 'gaslighting' on a vast scale in our society.  Thirdly, once proved, to remove the ability to carry out such an attack from our society.

Text of speech from first "March Against Organized Crime" 5/1/07

 Note: Nobody else showed up. This is the speech I would have given had somebody.

Good day, good people.

I have invited you here today, to begin.

What I begin here today is a March Against Organized Crime.

I do this because I find myself under attack by Organized Crime.
It has been four years since I have known that I was under attack. In this time I have come to know what ‘gaslighting’, multi-party harassment and multi-stalking are.  If I am to stop the attack against me I must remove from my attackers the tools by which they carry out this attack. This cannot be done piecemeal.  I can only remove them from those who harass me by removing them from our society.

I cannot do this myself.  If I am to succeed at this task, I must convince you, as I have come to believe, that these tools are being used on a massive scale, throughout our society, to the general detriment of all. This phenomenon, if I am correct, is so large; it may be why it’s called the ‘rust belt’. It may be why we have ‘lemon laws’.  It may be why the divorce rate is greater than 40%.

What are these tools?  ‘Gaslighting’?  What’s that?  The term comes from a movie from the 1940’s in which a variation of the scam was used. It is multi-party harassment.  It is carried out by multiple stalkers. It is primarily a psychological attack.  To confuse and disorient the victim to such an extent that they cannot defend themselves.  Whether to steal their job, money, property or to prevent them from being a potential informant if somebody else’s job, money or property is the ultimate target.  Parallel to the psychological attack is systematic sabotage of a victim’s work and property.  All of this is disguised as the normal breaks of life so that a victim is powerless to explain what is happening to them.   If they do, they are branded as mentally ill, insane or crazy.

If they can do it to me, they have, are or will do it to you.  Ultimately what is stolen is your freedom. Your ability to work as you would like.  Your ability to live as you would like. They have made it clear to me that I could stop this attack against me by joining them.  I will not be their slave.  I ask that you not be their slave either.

From here I march to the Capitol.  The seat of government is the logical place to begin to solve a problem that is a problem of the society at large.  It is only symbolic.  It is only the beginning. We have much work to do.